Foreign Limited Partnership

A Foreign Limited Partnership is composed of one or more general partners and one or more limited partners. The general partners manage the business and share fully in its profits and losses. Limited partners share in the profits of the business, but their losses are limited to the extent of their investment. Limited partners are usually not involved in the day-to-day operations of the business. The chief purpose of a limited partnership is to enable persons to invest their money in a business without taking an active part in managing the business, and without risking more than the sum originally contributed, while securing the cooperation of others who have ability and integrity but insufficient money.

To log in to, enter your EMAIL in the "username or email" field. If your email is not found, you may need to create a UtahID account. For more instructions on UtahID, click here .

New Registrations, Renewals, & Amendments

New entity registrations, name reservations, annual reports (renewals), or amendments.

Step 1: Have your UtahID account username and password ready.

  • If you do not have a UtahID, you will be prompted to create one in Step 2.
  • Note: If you forgot your UtahID password or have difficulties creating a UtahID account, use the UtahID Help page or contact UtahID directly. 

Step 2: Use your UtahID to log in to .

Step 3: After logging in, use the upper left navigation menu on the dashboard and follow the instructions below.

  • Register a New Business: Select "Formations & Registrations” from the menu on the left and follow the instructions to complete your filing.
  • File an Annual Report/Renewal: Select "Annual Report/Renewal" from the menu on the left. From the submenu, select either "Annual Report with Changes" or "Annual Report without Changes" to renew. Search for your entity by name OR number, and then follow the steps from there.
  • File an Amendment: Select “File on an Existing Business” from the left menu. Search for the entity, select it, and choose the filing type.

For step-by-step instructions, visit our Online Registration Instructions page .

All Other
Filing Types

Conversions, domestications, withdrawals, mergers, reinstatements, resignations, etc.

Step 1: Review the available forms in the column to the right and download the appropriate PDF. Fill out the PDF and save a copy.

Step 2: Have your UtahID account username and password ready.

  • If you do not have a UtahID, you will be prompted to create one in Step 3.
  • Note: If you forgot your UtahID password or have difficulties creating a UtahID account, use the UtahID Help page or contact UtahID directly. 

Step 3: Use your UtahID to log in to .

Step 4: Once logged into the business registration system, select "Submit a Paper Filing” from the navigation menu on the left and follow the instructions to upload your filing.

Note: This filing website is not intended to substitute nor replace the advice of legal counsel.

Frequently Asked Questions