Online Registration Instructions

The Utah Division of Corporations and Commercial Code has launched Phase One of a new business registration system. Currently, there are two different processes for filing, pending the launch of Phase Two.

  • To file new entity registrations, name reservations, annual reports (renewals), and amendments click here.
  • To file any other filing type not covered above (conversions, domestications, withdrawals, mergers, reinstatements, resignations, Registered Agent resignations, ordering certified copies, etc.), click here.
    • Note: These functions will be available in the new system once Phase Two launches.

To file new entity registrations, name reservations, annual reports (renewals), and amendments:

Step 1

You will need a UtahID account to access the new business registration system.

  • If you do not have a UtahID account, click here to create one or review our tutorial below.
  • If you already have a UtahID, you will need to link it to the account you will create in the new business registration system.

Step 2

Learn about the Filing Authority security feature before accessing the new system by clicking "How to Request Filing Authority for Active Entities" below.

It is imperative that you understand this feature before attempting to submit a filing.

Step 3

Click here to access the new business registration system to begin or manage a business filing.

Utilize the tutorials below for assistance in navigating the system.

Business Registration System

To file any other filing type not covered above (conversions, domestications, withdrawals, mergers, reinstatements, resignations, Registered Agent resignations, ordering certified copies, etc.):

Step 1

Select the entity type from the List of Entities below.

Step 2

When redirected to the new webpage, scroll down the page and select the appropriate form located in one of the blue boxes. After filling out the PDF, save a copy (or print the form to PDF depending on your system).

Step 3

In the same blue box containing the form you filled out, click on Go to Digital Marketplace. Once in Digital Marketplace, fill out the required information, upload the completed form, and continue to payment.