What do you want to do today?
Register a New Business
Register an LLC, Corporation, Partnership, Business Trust, DBA, and more.
Renew a Business
File an Annual Report on an Existing Business
File on an Existing Business
File an Amendment, Address Change, Dissolution, Reinstatement, Conversion, Domestication, Merger, Withdrawal, Resignation, Termination, or other filing types.
Processing times are currently 7-10 business days from receipt for most transactions.
Additional Business Services
Trademark Filings
Register, renew, or make changes to a Trademark.
Business Entity Search
Search for an existing business or check business name availability.
Central Filing System (CFS)
Identify farm products that are subject to a security interest.
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)
Law governing commercial transactions, such as sales, leases, and secured transactions.
Ordering Certified Documents
Order a Certificate of Existence/Registration or other certified copy.
Filing Authority
Establish who can update or file on a business.